Application of DCT and Weld Harfacing for Enhancing Erosion Resistance of PCBN: A Review
Solid Particle Erosion (SPE), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), Deep Cryogenic Treatment (DCT), Retained Austenite, Pulverized Coal Burner Nozzle (PCBN)Abstract
Solid particle erosion (SPE) is a dominating material removal process in various industries which contributes to material degradation of wide variety of engineering tools and components. Literature evidences the efforts made to capture the material degradation problem due to SPE. Enhancement of mechanical properties like hardness with sufficient ductility is prerequisite of erosion resistance. But it is difficult to improve conflicting properties such as hardness and ductility at the same time. Hardfacing is an effective method to extend the service life of machine components experiencing abrasive, corrosive or erosive wear, by increasing surface hardness without affecting the ductility of the base metal. It can be done with the help of various welding techniques, depending upon the prevailing conditions, requirements and desired results. Submerged arc welding (SAW) provides large deposit rates with ease of automation. Heat treatment is a conventional process, which is used since long times to alter different properties of materials according to the requirements. Deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) followed by a subsequent tempering process has also reported to produce interestingly positive results by improving hardness, toughness and erosive wear resistance of tool steels, carburized steels and cast irons. This paper reviews the current status of literature exhibiting the use of DCT in tackling the problem of SPE and its proposed use in improving erosion resistance of pulverized coal burner nozzles (PCBN’s) used in thermal power generation plant.
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