Numerical Investigation of Slurry Erosive Wear Due to Multiple Particle Impact
Erosive Wear, Numerical Modeling, Modelling, ExplicitAbstract
In the present work, an attempt has been made to investigate the slurry erosion problem using numerical simulation approach. AISI304 steel has been chosen as the base material for the present study. Performance of AISI304 steel under the range of slurry erosion conditions such as an impact angle and impact velocity of the erodent particles are investigated using laboratory developed slurry erosion test rig. To simulate the similar conditions virtually as available in the hydropower plant, finite element analysis software named as Abaqus has been used. Model has been developed using explicit dynamic solver approach. For correlating the behavior of the material with real time conditions, Johnson cook material model and failure model has been used. To simulate the solid particles impact, general contact penalty method has been adopted. Erosive wear rate is correlated with material removal rate and depth of penetration. It has been observed that the simulated results using Abaqus explicit are in confirmation with the experimental results. Furthermore, to analyze the mechanism of erosion, substrate surface was analyzed with reference to stresses and plastic strains developed by the impact of erodent particles.
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