Analysis of Traffic Related Environment Pollution in Indian Cities: Need of the Hour
Air Pollution, Emissions, RSPM, NOX and SOXAbstract
Urbanisation has led to rapid motorization and un-sustainable growth of transport infrastructure in developing countries like India. This increase in urban sprawl and heavy dependency on automobiles has caused high levels of air pollution. The emissions from road transport are partially responsible for ozone depletion, acid deposition and other climatic changes. In present scenario, the exhaust emissions of road traffic cause a lot of concern about the effects of air quality in urban areas on human health and the production of ozone in the troposphere. Central and State Governments have taken many corrective measures to reduce vehicle emissions. However, the development of scientific methods and rigorous emissions inventory is critical. Therefore, an attempt has been made to explore traffic control strategies to reduce emissions from road transport have been made. For the present study, pollutants are monitored outside for 24 hours (4-hourly sampling of gaseous pollutants like NOX and SOX and 8-hourly sampling of particulate matter) with frequency of two times a week in Jalandhar region in order to have 104 observations per year. The analysis of the data shows that the increase in the Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) with every passing year and being almost double than the permissible limit. It has been observed that with no or less public transport, more loads has come down on private vehicles and auto rickshaws which lead to increase in traffic congestion and pollution. Hence, it is suggested to implement new strategies and an increase in public transport in order to reduce vehicular emissions.
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