Evaluation and Characterization of Different Biomass Residues through Proximate & Ultimate Analysis and Heating Value
Biomass fuels, Biomass characteristics, High heating values, Correlation modelsAbstract
Biomass fuels have been emerged as better energy source in present scenario of rising fossil fuel prices. Biomass fuels are considered better in comparison to fossil fuels in term of their carbon neutral features. Biomass combustion has been widely recognized as key thermal conversion technology for residues in biomass based power plants. Thorough knowledge about their characteristic features needs to be explored for getting better potential of their use in future context of their availability as per the geographical conditions. Important characteristics requiring analysis are proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, moisture content & heating value. In present investigation, Characteristic data of three Agricultural crop residues & one agro industry byproduct (Rice husk) have been analyzed. Proximate analysis & ultimate analysis have been carried out. Further the high heating values (HHV) of these residues have been evaluated experimentally and comparative study has been attempted by using some correlation models on the basis of proximate & ultimate analysis data. These results may be valuable in predicting the basic behaviour of biomass fuels & their characteristics.
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