Leveraging Computer-Aided Education for Enhanced Learning: Innovations, Benefits, and Challenges in the Medical Sector
History, Overview, Computer Assisted Education, Applications, Merits, DemeritsAbstract
The Computer-Aided Education (CAE) system is a solution designed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the education system. This system offers numerous benefits, including the reduction of teacher workload, standardization and consistency, cost-effective learning, and data-driven insights. Overall, CAE systems play a significant role in modern education, offering tremendous potential to enhance learning, broaden access, and improve efficiency. By carefully considering its benefits, limitations, and responsible implementation, educators can leverage CAE to create a more engaging, personalized, and effective learning experience for all students. Students may participate in realistic clinical scenarios without endangering patient safety, gain remote access to information, and benefit from customized learning paths matched to their competence levels. Hence, this paper provides an overview of the evolution of computer-assisted education, discusses various technological innovations in Computer-Assisted Education, especially in the medical sector, and explores the merits and demerits of computer-assisted education.
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