An Overview of Hydroxyapatite Coated Titanium Implants
Hydroxyapatite, Implants, Titanium, BiomaterialsAbstract
Hydroxyapatite [(HA), Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2] is the main mineral component of bone and teeth. It has favorable osteoconductive and bioactive properties that is necessary for the early bone formation and fixation. HA being identified as the major mineral constituent of hard tissue, plays a vital role in orthopedic applications. One of its major applications is as a covering material for titanium and other metals used in implants. Main metallic biomaterials are stainless steel; Co based alloys, titanium and its alloys. Amongst the metallic biomaterials titanium and its alloys are getting much attention for use as biomaterials due to their excellent specific strength, corrosion resistance and above all good biocompatibility. Pure titanium and Ti-6AL-4V are still the most widely used biomaterials for biomedical applications among the titanium alloys. This article briefly reviews the hydroxyapatite coated titanium implants and its effects on the performance of the implants.
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