Optimizing Restaurant Queue Management: A Simulation-Based Approach Using Arena Software


  • Muhammad Abdus Samad Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
  • Jonayed Abdullah Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
  • Md Abdul Karim Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
  • Khairul Islam Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh




Queuing Systems, Arena Simulation Software, Customer Waiting Time, Service Efficiency, Resource Utilization


Examining the effectiveness of models in terms of utilization and waiting time is one of the anticipated benefits of analyzing queuing systems. This study uses Arena simulation software to examine the queue system of a particular restaurant. The primary objective is to assess and enhance the restaurant’s service efficiency through the modelling of customer arrivals, service procedures, and queue dynamics. Data on customer arrivals and service times were collected for the restaurant’s current system. The necessary expressions were developed from the observed data using the input analyzer. A conceptual model of the original queuing system was created, and two alternative Arena models were developed to reduce customer waiting times in the restaurant. The developed models were run to evaluate their performance. During a 24-hour simulation study, the average waiting time in the overall model was found to be 24.49 minutes, with a maximum of 48.69 minutes. The waiting time for server 1 was 25.30 minutes, for server 2 was 23.27 minutes, for server 3 was 25.11 minutes, and for server 4 was 22.30 minutes. The number of customers in line at server 1 was 12.65, at server 2 was 6.98, at server 3 was 8.29, and at server 4 was 8.25. Resource utilization was 57% for server 1, 35% for server 2, 27% for server 3, and 15% for server 4. By decreasing the queuing length and average waiting time in the restaurant, customer satisfaction can be increased, leading to a reduction in time wasted. The findings indicate significant potential for improving overall service quality and reducing client wait times. This research provides valuable insights for restaurant managers seeking to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.


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How to Cite

Samad, M. A., Abdullah, J., Karim, M. A., & Islam, K. (2024). Optimizing Restaurant Queue Management: A Simulation-Based Approach Using Arena Software. Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology, 13(1), 20–29. https://doi.org/10.70112/ajeat-2024.13.1.4234