An Intelligent Multimedia Data Encryption and Compression and Secure Data Transmission of Public Cloud
Encryption, Compression, Data Security, ECBAbstract
Data compression is a method of reducing the size of the data file so that the file should take less disk space for storage. Compression of a file depends upon encoding of file. In lossless data compression algorithm there is no data loss while compressing a file, therefore confidential data can be reproduce if it is compressed using lossless data compression. Compression reduces the redundancy and if a compressed file is encrypted it is having a better security and faster transfer rate across the network than encrypting and transferring uncompressed file. Most of the computer applications related to health are not secure and these applications exchange lot of confidential health data having different file formats like HL7, DICOM images and other audio, image, textual and video data formats etc. These types of confidential data need to be transmitted securely and stored efficiently. Therefore this paper proposes a learning compression- encryption model for identifying the files that should be compressed before encrypting and the files that should be encrypted without compressing them.
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